Please feel free to contribute any tips or questions you have.
First tip: try to use words not just perpendicular to each other, but also parallel. For instance:
WOW was added alongside RIOJAS.
You get points for WOW and also OW, JO and AW.
The second W in WOW falls on the 4W giving 4x the points for WOW and AW. The points work out as follows:
WOW = 11 x 4 = 44
AW = 6 x 4 = 24
JO = 11
OW = 6
total = 85 points!
The word TEAMED was added alongside YAUP. It falls on a 3W score, so this gives:
TEAMED = 11 x 3 = 33
YE = 6
AA = 2
UM = 5 x 3 = 15
The total for this word is 56 points.
There are other cases on this board of words running alongside others such as GOO along BOY and AGRIA along SALARIES.
By running words parallel you get points not just for one word, but potentially several, maximizing your point potential.
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